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A German-born defender representing Nigeria has had his nationality changed by FIFA, according to Soccernet NG

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    Jordan Torunarigha

    The German-Nigerian defender recently switched his allegiance to play for the Super Eagles of Nigeria

    FIFA has reportedly granted official approval to KAA Gent defender, Jordan Torunarigha, on his change of nationality, Soccernet.ng reports.

    The momentous decision follows a formal request made by the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to FIFA, seeking Torunarigha’s eligibility to wear the national colours of Nigeria.

    The verdict from FIFA’s Players’ Status Chamber Single Judge now sets the stage for Torunarigha’s historic transition.

    Born on August 7, 1997, Torunarigha, a gifted defender, currently plies his trade for Belgium’s First Division A club, Gent.

    His football lineage is equally impressive – the son of former footballer Ojokojo Torunarigha who played as a forward for German club Chemnitzer FC.

    Previously having represented Germany at youth levels, Torunarigha’s monumental decision to switch allegiances to Nigeria’s Super Eagles marks a significant turning point in his football journey. This shift was officially announced in June 2023, adding an exciting chapter to Nigeria’s football narrative.

    Torunarigha’s remarkable journey, transitioning from a striker to a defender, highlights his versatility as a football player on the field.

    His football journey began when he joined Hertha BSC as a young talent in 2006, showcasing his unwavering commitment to the sport.

    Based on the NFF’s request, FIFA has cleared former Germany U23 defender Jordan Torunarigha to play for Nigeria, his parents’ country.

    The Gent defender played for Germany at the Olympic Games in 2021.

    Watch my recent interview with him: https://t.co/mKRrrf1UIr pic.twitter.com/tKRGBfoNAR

    — Lolade Adewuyi (@Jololade) August 7, 2023

    Torunarigha is getting ready to don the Super Eagles shirt, and his presence proudly will likely strengthen Nigeria’s football supremacy on the global stage.

    Ayomide Oguntimehin

    Ayomide holds a Bachelor's Degree in English and currently works as a News Writer. He has more than five years of experience in digital journalism, with a strong background in researching and writing compelling news.


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