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By 2100, scientists predict that Israel will experience seven times as many fatal heat waves

Extreme weather lasting all summer is projected to drive an 11-fold leap in mortality rates by the end of the century

Ruth Schuster

Ruth Schuster

The number of extreme heat waves in Israel is expected to leap sevenfold or 600 percent a year by 2100, with temperature differentials of up to 10 degrees Celsius (18 degrees Fahrenheit) that could last not days but months. Mortality from heat stress is projected to jump more than tenfold, according to a new study examining climate change in the East Mediterranean.


VIDEO: Europe’s climate in 2050


Article information

Author: William Morales

Last Updated: 1703261761

Views: 907

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Author information

Name: William Morales

Birthday: 1985-01-20

Address: 322 Sherry Keys Apt. 308, West Karenland, CO 11763

Phone: +4212852228007019

Job: Electrician

Hobby: Snowboarding, Bird Watching, Embroidery, Cocktail Mixing, Sculpting, Pottery, Chocolate Making

Introduction: My name is William Morales, I am a Precious, exquisite, cherished, frank, brilliant, rare, talented person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.